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We live in a dynamic, fast paced, world filled where the winds of change are constantly blowing through our lives and communities, calling us to make choices and decisions that affect the course of our personal, professional and collective lives.


We must be agile and prepared to experiment and take chances in order to maximize our potential in the world and respond to our changing and adaptive communities.


Like the sculptural weathervane, we will support you in assessing your landscape - your goals, your needs, your dreams - and help you identify the best direction. We will stand with you as a stabile and solid guidepost and fill in for you when you need us. 



What we offer...


Specializing in participatory design and delivery of shared experiences grounded in the arts, weathervane works with individuals, organizations, business and communities to create shared experiences that put the participants at the center of the conversation


  • Design + Facilitation of meetings

  • Workshop Design + Delivery 

  • Participatory Planning Processes 

  • Personal + Professional Coaching

  • Arts Administration + Project Management

We believe in creating shared experiences where all personality types and all learning styles can thrive. As artists and creative people, we infuse our work with innovation and participation, establishing unique experiences for all our clients. 




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© 2014 Weathervane Creative Consulting

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