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Circles, not Silos

Kirstin, Danette and Shannon are designing and facilitating a workshop at this year's Minnesota Council on Non-Profits Leadership Conference on June 26, 2014. The session is titled Intergenerational Leadership: Circles, not Silos.

This isn’t a typical presentation about generational difference in the workplace-it has no expert speaker or lead presenter. Instead, this session is a facilitated dialogue, engaging the wisdom of session participants.

Exploring our own generational biases, we will look at more functional and fulfilling understanding of the effects of age in the workplace. Generational bias is the result of marketing data and age-based trends that may be helpful in the world of sales, yet are often unproductive in the workplace. In fact, these biases may inhibit successful leadership and contribute to superficial assumptions of our colleagues.

In this session, we pull back the veil of age biases and take an honest look how generational difference truly affects us, personally and with the work we do. Together, we will use humor and a storytelling mash-up to unpack our biases and assumptions to better understand the prevailing barriers in our own organizations.

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